Ready to land your dream job, but don't know how to differentiate yourself from others? Look no further, this post has the best free resume templates from Canva that will make getting that dream job that much easier!

Finding a job in this COVID climate is already difficult enough, so why not make the beginning of your job search easier and less stressful. As a recent graduate, I spent the whole month of November scouring templates on Canva to find the perfect template to use for my resume (or CV).
Of course, the type of template will differ depending on the type of job you're looking for and the type of person you are. But, the modern job market is looking for someone to stand out and take that risk to hand in a resume that is unlike any other.

For those of you who stick to the classics - sometimes change isn't for you and that's okay! This basic black and white template is perfect for those who want to still look professional and be taken seriously, but still want to switch up the format. You can always add other elements in Canva if you like this layout, but want to add a bit of spice and flair!

This template is really similar to the one I created for myself and I love it because it looks fresh and modern, while still showcasing all the elements of your resume in an easy-to-read way! Personalize it with your favorite color and switch up your watermark-type design in the left corner to truly showcase your personality.

I've been seeing many resume templates that include a picture, so if you're looking for that type, this may be perfect for you! This resume is great at being professional, but has small creative elements to make looking at it very refreshing. Perfect for CVs that are straight to the point!

For all the creatives looking for a job, this template is great at focusing on your experience and your achievements, while showcasing your personal brand. This template is especially great for all the models, makeup artists, photographers, and others in an art-related field!

Looking for a template that is fun and eye-catching? Then this bold resume will be your go-to! Adding a fun picture or graphic to the background of your resume will surely catch the HR manager's attention when skimming through their endless piles of CVs. So, if you're bold enough and want to really show your personality, go for it!
These templates are a sure way to make the start of your job search journey fun and creative! HR managers will love seeing your personality through your resumes, so don't be afraid to add some color or a cute design here and there.
If you have your own favorite Canva templates, link them in the comments so others can see and use them!
definitely gonna use these! ✨